Virtual Derive
Phase 2
I’ve viewed more humans on google maps. Either just their shoes, tripods or them completely. Here’s the map of all “shoes sightings”.
The people
During my derive I encountered a lot of pictures with the same person, I could see where they had gone and see what they saw. I find it really interesting seeing where they decided to stop and take a 360 picture. But why?
My Idea: #1
I want to create the narrative of these people and their travels.
It would be interesting to create a travel logbook for these people including their “selfies”. I don’t know on what platform I would like to do this.
Idea: #2 “Augmented Reality Traveling Guide”
Create an app in which you can follow these people, read about who they are and follow their travels.. Kinda like idea #1 but integrated in an app which you can connect to your location. When your location tracker is on, you will see profiles of people who posted 360 photo’s and follow them in where they went. Like an augmented reality traveling guide.
Idea: #3
Drifting away from the people: I thought about creating an augmented reality travel portal where you are dropped in the pictures and take your own pictures as if you’re really there.
My plan for the virtual derive is a social platform where you can follow other’s travels and upload your own travels for others to follow. It made me think “How can we use this easily without opening a separate special app?”
I thought about Inablers as a Google maps plug-in which allows you to follow other’s journey, upload your own and comment on them. you can follow it by enabling you location and follow by foot or by simply choosing a destination and traveling abroad while comfortably at home. It saves time with normal maps, Travel Info queue’s and money with real life tours.
My inspiration for this was the app Polarsteps.